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Steps For Cleaning The Bathroom Like An Expert

Steps For Cleaning The Bathroom Like An Expert

When you clean your house, do not forget to include the bathroom on your list. Although the bathroom is the place for cleaning your body, it is often to be the dirtiest room in your home. The humidity in the bathroom lets the bacteria and germs, and even mildew to grow healthily. Therefore, thoroughly cleaning is an essential work to do.

More importantly, cleaning the bathroom is a preventive method from the unwanted accident. Based on the experts, here are the steps you should follow to clean the bathroom, entirely.

Clean the dust

Firstly, before you work with water, detergent, disinfectant, or any cleaning products, you should vacuum the dust on the wall, cabinets, and everything. Clean the dust from the above to the bottom. Therefore, you should clean the mirror and the cabinet before the bathroom floor itself. You may ask why we should vacuum the dust? It is because the hair strain often falls on the floor or the cabinet, or in any place. If you clean them first, you will be easier to clean the bathroom with the wet products.

Use the warm or hot water to clean the tub, sink, and the shower

Firstly, you need to fill the tub and the sink, especially the bottom part with warm water and apply the same method for the shower. Let them in for about ten minutes. After that, you can throw away the water. The water will kill the bacteria as well as effective for removing the dirt or stains on the sink, tub, and the shower ‘s surface.

Apply the disinfectant

After you dry the water, now you can pour some disinfectant and let them be about ten minutes. The disinfectant needs time to work. After the ten minutes, now you can brush their surface with a non-abrasive brush or use the sponge.

Rinse the surface

Although you have clean them with the disinfectant, you still have to rinse them. The dirt that has accumulated with the disinfectant can create another trouble if you let them be without finishing the cleaning process. You can use the warm water once more to make sure that there is no remain dirt or stains on the surface.

Wipe with the dry cloth

Now, after the above steps finish, wipe them with a dry cloth. Do not use the dampened cloth because your work will be such a waste.

Change the rug, curtains, etc

Even that you have cleaned the floor, wall, tub, shower, sink, mirror, and everything, it is still incomplete if you do not change the curtains and the rug. The rug is one of the main places where the dirt is grouped together. Furthermore, the curtain is often exposed to the splashing water when you are taking a bath.

Cleaning the bathroom should not be taken aside from your cleaning ritual. Moreover, the bathroom should have more frequent portion to be cleaned since it is the wettest place in your home.

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