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Planning To Adopt A Beagle? Here’s What You Need To Know

Planning To Adopt A Beagle? Here's What You Need To Know

Are you thinking of adopting a cute furry friend? A beagle is indeed a good choice! Well, well, well…hold on your horse before you run out of the house to your mate! If you think adopting a dog is like taking a stroll in the park, then let us tell you that it is not! In order to enjoy his cute activities and develop a strong bond, there are a certain things that you need to take in stride.

In this article, we have sorted out detailed information on beagles, as to how you can train them whilst enjoying their naughty and fun loving activities without any hindrance. So, before you get ready to bring your four legged buddy home, here’s what you need to know about them

About of the breed

Known as a ‘nose with 4 feet’, a beagle is famous for its amazing ability to smell things. That being said, he can smell and track more than 220 million scents. Although modern-day beagle was bred in the UK in 1830, their ancestral are said to be bred 2500 years ago.

Beagles are usually small in size and have a somewhat domed skull. Their big eyes and wide ears is what make them look pretty attractive. Unlike other dogs, a beagle has a straight tail which is probably he is different from other canine breeds.

Beagles normally range between 9- 11 kg. While a male beagle generally weighs around 10 to 11 kg, a female is around 9 to 10 kg. These dogs have a squarely built body and a bigger skull as compared to the rest breeds.

The lifespan of these pooches is around 12 to 15 years, but most of the other dogs have a lifespan of 13 years. In their early/teenage, they rarely have any health related problems and live a fit and active life.

When thinking of adopting a beagle or any dog for that matter, it’s essential for you to get a clear understanding of their nature and the way they behave. Below we’ve mentioned a few common traits of a beagle.

  1.  Friendly and loving in nature
  2.  Can easily socialise with new people and dogs
  3.  Are brave enough to fight any difficulty
  4.  Have an intelligent mind
  5.  Very friendly with kids
  6.  Have to be trained at an early age, otherwise they could turn out to be stubborn
  7.  Curious to explore  things
  8.  Highly active and enthusiastic
  9.  Highly talented in smelling and picking up scents

Training a beagle                                                                           

This is when you need to be very alert! If beagles are not trained properly and during the right age, they might soon start behaving like a stubborn kid. So, start training them from an early age to inculcate good behaviour. These pooches have a habit to follow their nose wherever they go, which means you can use this skill in training them in the right direction. Also try to socialise them with people around you; however, as they have a friendly nature it becomes easier for you develop this skill in them.

Health Condition

Usually beagles are healthy and don’t face any health issues, but at times odds are they might have problems like Hypothyroidism, Epilepsy, in vertebral disk diseases, cherry eye etc. So to keep them away from such diseases, it’s better to feed them healthy and nutritious food, and ensure that you’re conducting exercises regularly.


Beagles have a medium size coat, which can be easily cared for using a decent pair of dog clippers. Most of them have a tricoloured skin with white, black and dark colour markings on their entire body. They also have a tail with white colour tip, which makes them look cute and distinct.

How to feed them correctly                            

As you may know, they have an incredible ability to sense food and are guided towards it naturally. This is the sole reason why it becomes very difficult to keep them away from their meal once they sense the aroma of tasty food. However, when you feed them you need to make sure that they’re getting the required nourishment, which is around 600 to 100 calories. To digest the food properly, they need to exercise everyday, which they usually do because of their naughty nature and funny activities.

Games to play with Beagle

Beagles are highly active and an enthusiastic dog, always ready to explore their surroundings. If you leave them in your home/ lawn, they will start sniffing around and discovering hidden things or food.

The best way to play with them is to hide away their toys and let them look for it. You will be amused to see their swiftness in exploring concealed stuff.

Now that you know more about this breed, don’t waste any of your time and get your four-legged buddy home!

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