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Effective Ways To Rock Your Next Corporate Catering

Effective Ways To Rock Your Next Corporate Catering

Organizing catering for your office is inherently boring. We get it. But if you plan to order sandwiches for the umpteenth time, I assure you Sally from accounts will hunt you down and… well you don’t want to find out, do you? You are tasked with ensuring that the event is successful and goes without a hitch. We will help you do this effortlessly. We will help you keep the food new and interesting with minimal effort every single time! There are a lot of new catering trends and ideas which can certainly make a huge impact and put a twist on any corporate occasion. Let’s dig in:

Types of Corporate Catering

Is it a Lunch and Learn or a formal networking conference? An office celebration or a team meeting? Themed gatherings, lunch events, and group building occasions call for different arrangements. Finalize the type of office catering services you will require to make sure everything is organized without any hassle.

Ordering Recommendations

As guests demand new services catering service providers have worked on several new and innovative concepts. You will find dishes that are fusions of two completely unrelated cuisines, modern twists on traditional favorites, a variety of vegan options, plant-based meat replacement dishes and a lot more. Demands from the millennial market has forced caterers to come up with new offerings.

Ask you caterer for recommendations based on the type of event and your guests and they will send you a list of the most popular options. See if they can customize some of the dishes to create a welcome twist to an otherwise mundane event.

Interactive Stations

Interactive stations offer guests the opportunity to socialize with others and customize their food – to an extent. Live stations where the chefs can prepare fresh dishes will lend a sense of curiosity to your guests and will be one of the popular spots at the event. Live stations also make the guests wait in line while their food is being prepared and encourages casual conversations between strangers – a key aspect of successful networking events.


Mashups are a fun pattern that is gaining some attention this year. Mashups take two or more different ingredients and consolidate them into one staggeringly imaginative and delectable treat. These could come as hors d’oeuvres, sweets, or even main courses. Some basic concoctions are doughnut sandwiches with ice cream and dessert pizza. Some guests might be hesitant at first but curiosity will dictate that they at least try some of these. Don’t try to be too adventurous though as no one – I repeat – no one wants it.

Diet Specifications

It’s hard to cater to every single guest’s dietary requirements and preferences as they tend to vary to a huge degree. But being aware about them will help you prepare a few options that will keep everyone happy. People have become more aware about what they put in their bodies and besides most dietary restrictions are dictated by societal and religious beliefs. Fortunately, there are several restaurants and catering companies Calgary that cater to everything from Gluten-free meals to vegan options.

Also be aware about any medical allergies you might have. Play safe by including a couple of dairy and nut free options as well.

Small Portions, More Variety

When you advertise a buffet meal your guests will expect variety. Depending on the number of guests you will need at least a couple of options per course of meal. Don’t go overboard as you wouldn’t want to overwhelm your guests (and waste a ton of food), but don’t skimp on the options either. A well-balanced platter will ensure that your guests will find something they like.

Get it Local

With increasing awareness about local produce and a need to support local businesses, your guests will appreciate food from local caterers and restaurants. Better still try and incorporate something that is local to your city. A personal touch goes a long way in impressing your guests. Check for local trends and hipster restaurants to find something that you find quirky and interesting. Having the basic options is a wise choice but if you really want to rock the event – quirky is the way to go.

Finally, don’t forget to enjoy yourself and the guests will enjoy themselves too. “One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.”  – Luciano Pavarotti

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