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4 Tips for Getting Tough Pet Stains out of Your Carpet

4 Tips for Getting Tough Pet Stains out of Your Carpet

Dogs, cats and other beloved household pets can sometimes leave carpet stains that are especially difficult to remove. If you have any pet stains that are ingrained in your carpet and won’t seem to come out, you can take proactive measures to eliminate these unsightly messes for good. Here are four tips for getting tough pet stains out of your carpet.

Mix a Concoction to Remove Urine Stains

Even if your pet has received the best housetraining possible, your furry friend might still end up urinating on your carpet from time to time. A mixture of two cups of warm water with two cups of vinegar and four tablespoons of baking soda can be used to clean up stains from this mess. After putting the solution into a spray bottle and spraying the affected area on your carpet, let the solution sit for five to ten minutes before blotting the area dry with a cloth.

Try a Homemade Solution for Vomit Stain Removal

Pet vomit is known to seep into carpet fibers fast and leave stains and foul smells that are difficult to remove. This is largely because of the high acidic levels that vomit contains. To remove vomit from your carpet fast, try mixing two cups of warm water with one tablespoon each of liquid dish soap and salt along with a half cup of vinegar. After the concoction is complete, you can dip a sponge or cleaning cloth into it to start cleaning by blotting the soiled area on your carpet. After the stain has vanished, blot the area again with pure water to clean up the solution that was applied.

Hire Professionals

Hiring professionals to clean your carpet may be your best option if all other measures have failed. The best service providers use carpet cleaning equipment that’s designed to clean deep within carpet fibers to remove tough stains and lingering pet odors. Great care will be taken to ensure that all the carpets in your home are cleaned thoroughly without causing damage. Best of all, hiring these professionals will save you from having to do the manual work yourself.

Lift Hardened Spots

If you notice that stains contain hardened spots, these areas can usually be removed with a fork or another handheld scooping device. Removing these hardened spots can sometimes be enough to eliminate much or all of a stain. When digging out these rough patches, be careful not to grind the matter into your carpet accidentally and make removing the stains more difficult for yourself.

You don’t have to live with grotesque-looking pet stains any longer. By finding the best ways to remove these stains from your carpet, you can have carpeting for your home that looks brand-new.

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